sometimes stay and sometimes go sometimes yes and sometimes no sometimes fucked, and sometimes, "fuck you" always though, you inside me, true often lost and often found often surfacing and often drowned often left and often right always, longing, hold you tight never sure and never wrong never weak and never strong never fear and never free always here, why can't you see? daily done and daily didn't daily open and daily hidden daily sleeping and daily awake always ready, for you, your partake usually here and usually not all there usually truth, and usually dare usually sexual and usually platonic always, to please you, yes, i am on it seldom seen and seldom unnoticed seldom known and seldom unknown, this seldom silent and seldom voiced always, in adoration, you leave me no choice unusually bound and unusually free unusually you and unusually me unusually pouring and unusually plugged always, yes, for you, blind man, filled with love. bowen hart roselli 8 july 2020 ringwald love
i don't get it cuz i don't get it cuz i can't forget it so i never win it cuz i don't get it... from dog to doormat, the blink of an eye from interested to "outta here" another dick, another guy another love, walks past me, by cuz i just don't get it this thing called life it's all a game, and how you play determines if you're a "leave" or "stay" determines if you, the stamina to succeed at the buffet where the beautiful feed cuz their the ones with the security of money and the ability to line up the latest "honey" fit the mold, you'll get the gold buy all the lines, and do as you're told be whomever they need you, the moment land of hypocrites, chameleons if you're a "you, that" , then own it hypocrisy reigns and few are complaining if it gets you the "get there" in the "good for you!" gaining of all it is, that matters here now plenty of cash equals plenty of pussy equals plenty of pandered to, equals plenty of power could be substituted for ass, if you're gay, bi, or "do anyone" could be substituted for cock. if your one of those women, too often seen as "fuckin' hot", but no fun domineering cunts out for power and control they got it, get it as in, get the shit done just dildo themselves instead of wasting their energy on caring, finding, "the one" cuz "love" cums and goes this day and age, a commodity sold cuz the ones that don't get it never read the book, or paid attention, were told the first to be slaughtered, fed to "the gang" heart of gold. "look here bro's and bitches, alike this one's ready and damn dude, quite ripe"... cuz they don't get it so we gotta show 'em "hey, lets play that game, called toss em and throw em"... fun, fun, fun as the sun sets on another day, heart done not "won", not cherished, but primed, for the perish cuz if you haven't gotten it by now, if real treasure lies in you, character, honesty, love better guard it with your life cuz few, if any, could care more than even slightly less that's my best hope positive guess from one who didn't get it 'til way too late in the game to impress and in many ways i still don't which leaves me more, a wilting "won't" unless i fight like hell to change hide my "damaged divine" amongst all this "derange" i don't get cuz i don't get it cuz i can't forget it, (love) so i never win it, (life)... cuz i don't get it. bowen hart roselli 19 july 2020 ringwald love there is no pleasing those who can't be pleased there is only teasing, those who live for "the tease" as in taunt and provoke for the reaction they seek why is it to be vulnerable, of heart is always seen as pliable and weak manipulate, covers woman and man stand up, stand strong, stand "something", just stand as in take one, now or take a seat be destined for a life on perpetual repeat.. mistakes, like maulings unheeded callings to walk, a different path, your own be care, the lustful longings, deep moans the crevices, cracks in your psycho-sexual pavement to crawl on all fours there is a high price, taxed payment taxing all your reserves, your energy you'd yes, sell your soul for "the one", psychic synergy that manifests magic, seeps madness, the same the tragedy, knowing it's out there and just maybe, even knowing his name no shame, no blame an end to the endless, infinite passive aggressive, "line reading" games as in reading between lines, are they there? unfortunate, the power games played always one left standing over another, stripped bare pathologies played out crossing boundaries, each others place amongst the sun, a sea of stars you'd give anything, his trusted face for whom real belong is no longer a matter of "pray, pine for, and long" it just is, found reality the gift, the gold in each other's arms, soul strong both seen, both actualized naked limbs and love soaked eyes this isn't an auction, for charity, prized no "highest bidder", for the bitter, despised this is the universe aligning and aligning, for good two hearts, not carved, not manufactured, of wood not fabricated for the forcing, another to play out pathologies predicated on the preying of others it seems we all are slaves to each others' misbegotten ways the lover loves and the player plays sick and saddened, slain by the game just deliver me, desire less then, if all "this" is about, the need to control, without soul and to maim, swells of shame reciprocation is right, like release of all the wrongs we've been wronged by, the sheets laid upon and laid down, for "the using", prettier, in the pink than the blue and black, of the mind fuck, the "capture/kill", bruising purity is without motive, ulterior no hidden agenda's beneath the exterior of a beautiful face you cannot seem to forget, erase for whom no one else can take his place to be seen, in equal the film in final, no need, thought, sequel you'd surrender it all, for this realization, "home", the engulfing, electric faultless, flawed, pure embrace. a safe place to surrender and drown and somewhere, in secret you feel as've been found. (in him).... bowen hart roselli 21 july 2020 ringwald love some strange silence enters and then i realize i've been alone this whole time fits and flourishes of heart and mind that make me feel i have encountered my own kind for a beautiful, blissful moment fleeting and then the hunger for it's return repeating patterns and processes of heart and mind, shivers, same waking up to, yet again the falling rain his incredible smile incredible isn't good enough but the words fail me, so i search within, for miles that smile i miss it his ebullient innocence wandering, i would wait, still, forever to see it, exuberant, before me again, sweet him forward no past no need for "gifts of man" just his stand next to me needing nothing more than his electric innocence in moments i would sell my soul to return to, aware amongst him, within him the treasure, our together there is, and was so much unspoken left to explore... bowen hart roselli 31 may 2020 ringwald love transcendent states of being isn't that what everyone is searching for, needs? an other to call us towards a journey, unknown dare us down a path, have the courage to see where it leads something, somewhere, someone to wake us out of our sleep, truly see us, covet and "not again", forsake us "what is it they say about a trip?", he said.. "half the fun is getting there".. all i know, is there is no one else to make all the lights, somehow suddenly turn on, I'd give anything to sit amongst his "dream delivering" stare possessing something, possessed then, here, me as if everything i placed meaning, before somehow now, doesn't mean, a fucking thing not in the way it used to, at least like the prayer hungry, thirsty for a towering, tenderhearted priest like the detached attached to a drive for release caged and displaced, proper place wild woods, freed selfless, a sacred state, capable of but only for the exceptional, a place inside, a wellsprings of love he is that for me, immeasurably it is nothing i planned, like the "please", pleased without pause, in pleasurably to even feel that here, this land of fear death, so as not to live life such a gift, the gift in me, he moments without questioning everything, his reaction, inside how can i love him, enough, like I've died only to find, i haven't really lived not in twelve lifetimes, until his inspire, all to give because i am human, and skinless, underneath so sick of the limits, the labels like the same old avenues, streets walked down and walked through nothing electric, nothing new until the day he showed up, in a car "just some guy", filled, a universe of stars that i couldn't have known, would change everything, alter my inner world, enlighten the scars lightning, they say, "never strikes twice" so he only had to strike once, take a chance, roll the dice "because, if not, what is living, then, for?" asks the man for whom the meaning, here, found unwavering love as in, bound to in a boundless state of transcendent adore. (a belonging like the "be" in become, an ever expanding universe of thought, feeling, experience, care, beyond one) bowen hart roselli 10 july 2020 ringwald love it's a feelings free-for-all let's have one, ok? and have a ball... stomping, stepping, smashing 'em to bits.. like feelings were laxatives and we've all got the shits... as in no one gives a fuck what you feel that's just life, just part of the deal it's a "me first" world filled with selfish boys 'n girls what is it they say about swine before pearls? oops, that's in, reverse, my mistake, so beat me, good please all my feelings, for you to partake the ones called "worthless", "less than", "dumb" abuse, built tough, now it makes me cum... all the words, so demeaning, wrong get me hard, salivate my "strong" need to be put in a place, i understand topped off with the whip, creamed, your back hand stricken, struck like the mind, is a fuck one that drills me, deeper, into you all the feelings you own, yes It's true the one's quite good, that are twisted as bad loyalty, love, turn me, happy to sad that for some reason, they leave me last on your list a lifetime of this, trains one good, "take a fist" 'cuz at least that's honest and "makes me a man" tough enough to sit on, not hold, your hand built for a bruising and a conditioned reaction, enthusing! primed and chimed, my bell rung, "good for using" but even better for believing, the more you've mastered the art of deceiving I'm all heart, for "the give", you're receiving and "all crawl", for the bone, thrown retrieving the one you offer, that you dangle, just enough that says, when you feel like it you kinda like me, "'n stuff" illusions of something more, like "care" watch me do anything, take every risk, every dare.. this feelings free-for-all i was born, made, quite aware... that real love, with depth and soul, heart, it is rare.. so i set out to be, all the things, that were lost on me.. kind, considerate, thoughtful, you see? in a moment, a heartbeat you can lift, make someone's day just by being genuine, speaking of things that the others' won't say compliments, praisings sung, sweet, with soul while too many, called "most" are far too busy playing the "bullshit speak" role as in "blah, blah, blah".. it all means nothing with very few willing to call all the bluffing... hollow words, hollow ears hollow smiles, hollow tears... hollow truth, hollow eyes hollow sex, hollow thighs.. the feelings free-for-all it's real, not a lie many come to trample, and few stop, look back, why? cuz that requires empathy with a heaping dose, responsibility the realization that "you" matters to "me" and can form that thing, so scary, feared, worse than death, called "we"... but that requires too much effort, here and now, too much focus, "weird", what's that all about? "must be something wrong with him".. to truly give a shit now, damn, the outlook is grim.. so grab it, stab it, fuck it, made the feelings free-for-all it "just is" one, the same I'm only responsible for mine so, "fuck you" and with that simple statement, brutal truth, done, I'm through.... (as in "done" by one and all, then you, the one i voted "most unlikely to"... do me, the way you've done, in the end, no, not that one, it's just the feelings-free-for-all, feeling, once again.....) but the feeling, underneath is the feeling, believe in you, always your light, the fight... no matter what... 'til the end. bowen hart roselli 15 july 2020 ringwald love straight is straight gay is gay bi is bi oh me, oh my but what happens when you blur those lines? welcome to these sad, s.a.d.d. times soulful attention deficit disorder narcissi reigns, distorted, damaged all of our minds melded into our sex selves too be careful gramma, cuz they're cumming for you... if your cookies, baked have any real focus, not faked they'll smell 'em coming from a mile away be right there, at your front door turn you into a "baked bitch" whore think your "too old", this happen to you? "alive and breathing" qualifies you, if you've got a soul, a "semi-sweet morsel" of chips, white or chocolate, your screwed because, these days it, has nothing to do, with "who" the emptiness is everywhere and so are the fucked, "the did", and "the blew" lil' punkin' pie filled eyes from an easy bake oven they'll win ya first prize at the bake sale, charity, surprise! a take home basket of cock between thighs cuz, come on gramma, or barely legal girl, boy we're all now, hardly bothered, seen above and beyond "means to an end" wind up toys so all the labels and definitions in the world "ultra progressive garbage" cannot cover what has happened, unfurled a society on high, all "me", all "my" feed me, fill me "pathologically positive" lies that delude me, deeper "this one's a keeper" careful, they just might be the grim reaper of integrity, truth and trust, the soul in a sad, s.a.d.d. world most here now, just gaped, "gone" holes and that "brotherhood of man", where did they go? the "straight" ones, to the woods to jack each other off, with a quick blow, just so ya know... cuz no label now means a god damn thing, when attention, soulful from anyone, is in deficit the "issues", cum forth you "cop a feel" what i mean? bowen hart roselli 16 july 2020 ringwald love wish i could've joined the military but back in my day, they wouldn't let in "the limp wristed", like me wish i could've, 'cuz now more than ever that level of discipline, taught, i respect land of inconsistent insanity is the only consistent, one can expect all this bullshit, "no expectations" especially when it comes to human relations i expect a lot, cuz i expect a lot from myself and my expectations of others, minimal, real wealth.. just mean what you say and say what you mean if not, please, just don't say a fucking thing another "catch phrase", from where, "dr. phil"? makes me wanna swallow a bottle of pills "no one owes you anything", i call bullshit, hear me out, "my thing"... yes, technically true, in absolute, absolutely but what happened to character, honor?, resolutely.. abandoned, discarded, in a land of "me first" seems things are now, in permanent reverse people "at their best", are now at their worst.. real friends, you think you've made disappear "no nothing", no text back the only clear, is unclear people pop in and out of our lives, like it's nothing a quick text every six months or more is like sending a bouquet of flowers, your front door no real effort, no real care but "i love you", really? if even that, quite "the rare" that we're all too used to, and using such convenience of ease, communication to feed off each other, "nothing too real", of effort means, "we mean it" dating apps, while taking craps "hey, what's up" and nothing after that.. yeah, grand scheme, not that big a deal but it all adds up to wasted brains, time, less "feel" and all of us enslaved and numb to the "knowing" nothing matters, but it does because what i do and say affects you even if you won't admit it's true even if you don't care very much even if were not joined at the hip starsky, hutch if you allow me, communication it should mean you value reciprocation and I'm not saying it's a must, "instant gratification" we all have times, shit going on, realizations.. busy-ness and other priorities but no reason to cave to the "selfish bullshit" majority of don't bother, "get back" cuz you "don't owe me anything" a true thought, or true friend, yes, i do, amongst the many things that truly don't matter, like all the phony, garbage chatter that surrounds us all, multi-media soaked, all the wasteful distractions, that keep us closed off and roped.. into the "new normal" follow through, real tending to, dead now all of us, reading between lines filling in blanks, thinking it's all in our head... and often, it is simplicity, it's as dead as a dish served up cold and served up sour "faster, faster, faster", tick the minutes, our lives, and hours.. so yes, i owe those closest to me the ones that stick around, and see me as valuable, bring some "matter" to their life cuz too many out there bring little, but a knife to take a piece, a chunk, then leave with the ease of a soft summer breeze that's not what I'm here to do, so fuck you, to all that allow the decay of character, honor, integrity to be true if i say i love you and you are a true friend I'm gonna give it my best stick it out, til the end doesn't mean I'm perfect and expect back, exactly same but it means when you reach out it means something and i won't play games with you, your heart, your worth, your attention upon me, it means something so I'll try my best, and break with convention that all around, evidenced friends, connections don't mean a lot more than just above, below shit and that's not me, feel free, "crazy", call me but the only consistency has to come from me so in a world of inconsistency if i let you in, that dying thing, called a heart you have my word, typed, sung, or spoken, the art consistency, consistently you will get it, however flawed, but i will be there, and i owe you that for loving, caring, reaching out, remembering me you'll see... you saw, those still around me, consider me close no matter my many screwed up flaws that's just how it goes, when real that's what i thought, was part of the deal a deal that's been devoured by technology and bullshit, the true meaning of "divine" now, consistency and the natural flow of importance, velocity that lies at the heart and soul, reciprocity. bowen hart roselli 22 july 2020 ringwald love trying to do the best i can to be a semi-decent, considerate man i'd be that too, if i were a woman, some souls, here, are worth the proving that "matter", yes, it really does world of jaded, exhausted, was once a place, we all, were kids dreams, like skies, big, made a wish upon the stars, we all did, once before we "grew up", found masks as "fronts" to protect ourselves, a world of danger called "fuck you, what do you want?, you're a stranger" because we've all been taken and took hooked and booked and sadly mistook by a society that pretends "we're all one" then demands you assimilate or you're "no fun" i once was one of the "popular kids" did anything, everything like patrick bateman, to "fit in" and we all know what happened to him went "american psycho", killed again and again or did he? could've been all in his head.. "don't stare at it, eat it", as in pussy, he said he said a lot, that actually made sense an outsider on the inside and no matter what he did, they barely seemed to remember him sure, what he said, left to the voices inside his head thoughts that some of us get, relate introverts, oddballs, those prone to an averse to society, "outsider" state.. so how did i, go from "popular" to not some evils, they cannot be forgot three friends, yes guys decided one day to go from "like" to "damned", despise and tell everybody i was gay, junior high back then it wasn't a playground of "embrace" shit like that, was the "the scarlet letter", with an "h" as in hated, avoided, spread like wildfire obliterated, any chance to be "one of them", "the admired" i went from "inner circle" to "circle jerk" full, of "dicked around", mocked, laughed at, beaten utterly humiliated, banished defeated the worst part? i never did, said anything to those guys about my inside, "guy love" thing problem was, i just wasn't "right" enough for them, so destroy me, they tried but all it did was split me apart and i road that train like a work of art "fuck you, one and fuck you, all" the pretty little "perfects" who stomped on me, laughed as they watch me fall i had no friends, i had no one, at all and it's here i found a new avenue, it's call away from "the crowd" and to "the few", i found out were just being themselves, god forbid freaks and "crazy ones", those on "the fringe", looking out, at "the in" the truly profound, intelligent and wise the ones with the lonely sadness, etched deep in their eyes because this place isn't as pretty, as it seems for as many pure dreams, there are those of ulterior motives and schemes navigating it all, can be quite rough gotta stay strong inside, on the outside, walls tough tricky, "the try", who to sense, safe, "let in" fear, betrayal of intimacy from the latest "love" or new friend that's why i take it so serious, too much, to the point of "out of reach, touch" better off to be elusive, mysterious with a hint of stand-offish allure, learned experience like the ones I'm always drawn the perfect opposite to my "fall on my knees for and fawn" as in gush over, glow little hidden, heart on sleeve, shown because i am not like that, with most i try to be nice, but I'm detached, removed, remote the ones that make me work, earn their love once let in, like heaven gift of a lifetime, from above because they're the ones i wish i could be like, am not so back to the beginning before the point is forgot... trying to be a semi-decent, caring man in a place, i so often, can't stand we put each other, through hell, and for what? "work, work, work" enslaved to schedules, "things" and bank accounts stuffed "i guess it's their way of floating through this void, our reality", a too wise for this world, man, recent, said he, of the thinking, fearless mentality it's inspiration of mind and those touching, truly kind that keep me trying, while often filled with "give up", can't wait, dying yes, we all once, were kids when all that mattered were dreams, freedom, imagination, having friends (and just maybe, finding a lasting love, true said the little boy, forever dancing, a "valentine heart", love filled eyes, through and through) bowen hart roselli 22 july 2020 ringwald love the weight of you on me, is mine the loss of you, the passage of time the two of us in a room, trapped together each with war wounds, lost dreams, lived, before our endeavor truth is only known, if revealed scars are stars, if released, salved, healed all i am, is what i feel and to those who inspire it, the real magic, i kneel but i, in the end, am alone inside me long ago realizing, i will never be free not while trapped, this psyche, this skin and so the long, slow march, to my end, did begin... twisted is, as "touched" becomes the runner walks, the walker runs towards a sun, a storm, an "other" the comfort, chaos of a brother, a lover as that's what friends are, to me, this bizarre being, I'm aversive, this "soul", "me" so far... away from "the normal", I'm removed from myself as if narrating a life that doesn't belong to me, but somebody else yet there is no one here, but me, this "my own" and nowhere, "long haul" have i found it, a home I've tasted it, touched it made love to, and fucked it but when nightfall descends there is no one else, enamored of me, in equal, again... friends are lovers and lovers are gods because i felt something so real, so beautiful, heart fought all the moments, head cocked the sky detached, destroyed, as to "connect" is to fly and like miracles, they appeared beyond all the thinking, the questions of "why".. but none, could i claim as my own, woman, man like sex, but beyond drenched in divine, just simply being near them, holding, split second, their hand... is "together" just a teenage dream? land of wounded, wanderlust extremes is any "one" or feeling, thought, real? built upon the alter of a heart born to steal... stolen, given, ripped out, compelled regardless, this, "the fall", where i fell upon the "knowing" i did feel alive "love myself", while loving you so much in your glance, your glow, like the divine in "derive" inspiration, insight, intelligence immeasurable amongst all the, "all the rest" devoid of depths, electric or pleasurable i felt it, shared it, told it, the tale the one, yes i loved you and felt it without question or fail then the return to earth, from the skyward you inspired those moments, could i stay there forever? if only this body, this being, rewired to be the one for yes, that day, did finally come signed, sealed, delivered a heroic "belong to you", done you'd see me, as i saw you, so powerful right time, right place the universe aligned in the allowable girl or boy or boy or girl we wander here wanting what? i cannot tell you, I'm not really here in full, meant for this world as what i see and what i feel never quite matches up to another's truth, what is real so fire, walk with me as i question all the madness, magic within, and without split soul, second guessing.. why things come, seem to always go the moments with you i never wanted them to end and would tear off each limb, to live them, yes, once again as if you didn't, already know forever etched, here, this heart, blessed and bloodied and, in fight, fearless, found this timeless attempt here, to show.. you. (alone) bowen hart roselli 20 july 2020 ringwald love |
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