wish i could've joined the military but back in my day, they wouldn't let in "the limp wristed", like me wish i could've, 'cuz now more than ever that level of discipline, taught, i respect land of inconsistent insanity is the only consistent, one can expect all this bullshit, "no expectations" especially when it comes to human relations i expect a lot, cuz i expect a lot from myself and my expectations of others, minimal, real wealth.. just mean what you say and say what you mean if not, please, just don't say a fucking thing another "catch phrase", from where, "dr. phil"? makes me wanna swallow a bottle of pills "no one owes you anything", i call bullshit, hear me out, "my thing"... yes, technically true, in absolute, absolutely but what happened to character, honor?, resolutely.. abandoned, discarded, in a land of "me first" seems things are now, in permanent reverse people "at their best", are now at their worst.. real friends, you think you've made disappear "no nothing", no text back the only clear, is unclear people pop in and out of our lives, like it's nothing a quick text every six months or more is like sending a bouquet of flowers, your front door no real effort, no real care but "i love you", really? if even that, quite "the rare" that we're all too used to, and using such convenience of ease, communication to feed off each other, "nothing too real", of effort means, "we mean it" dating apps, while taking craps "hey, what's up" and nothing after that.. yeah, grand scheme, not that big a deal but it all adds up to wasted brains, time, less "feel" and all of us enslaved and numb to the "knowing" nothing matters, but it does because what i do and say affects you even if you won't admit it's true even if you don't care very much even if were not joined at the hip starsky, hutch if you allow me, communication it should mean you value reciprocation and I'm not saying it's a must, "instant gratification" we all have times, shit going on, realizations.. busy-ness and other priorities but no reason to cave to the "selfish bullshit" majority of don't bother, "get back" cuz you "don't owe me anything" a true thought, or true friend, yes, i do, amongst the many things that truly don't matter, like all the phony, garbage chatter that surrounds us all, multi-media soaked, all the wasteful distractions, that keep us closed off and roped.. into the "new normal" follow through, real tending to, dead now all of us, reading between lines filling in blanks, thinking it's all in our head... and often, it is simplicity, it's as dead as a dish served up cold and served up sour "faster, faster, faster", tick the minutes, our lives, and hours.. so yes, i owe those closest to me the ones that stick around, and see me as valuable, bring some "matter" to their life cuz too many out there bring little, but a knife to take a piece, a chunk, then leave with the ease of a soft summer breeze that's not what I'm here to do, so fuck you, to all that allow the decay of character, honor, integrity to be true if i say i love you and you are a true friend I'm gonna give it my best stick it out, til the end doesn't mean I'm perfect and expect back, exactly same but it means when you reach out it means something and i won't play games with you, your heart, your worth, your attention upon me, it means something so I'll try my best, and break with convention that all around, evidenced friends, connections don't mean a lot more than just above, below shit and that's not me, feel free, "crazy", call me but the only consistency has to come from me so in a world of inconsistency if i let you in, that dying thing, called a heart you have my word, typed, sung, or spoken, the art consistency, consistently you will get it, however flawed, but i will be there, and i owe you that for loving, caring, reaching out, remembering me you'll see... you saw, those still around me, consider me close no matter my many screwed up flaws that's just how it goes, when real that's what i thought, was part of the deal a deal that's been devoured by technology and bullshit, the true meaning of "divine" now, consistency and the natural flow of importance, velocity that lies at the heart and soul, reciprocity. bowen hart roselli 22 july 2020 ringwald love
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