the weight of you on me, is mine the loss of you, the passage of time the two of us in a room, trapped together each with war wounds, lost dreams, lived, before our endeavor truth is only known, if revealed scars are stars, if released, salved, healed all i am, is what i feel and to those who inspire it, the real magic, i kneel but i, in the end, am alone inside me long ago realizing, i will never be free not while trapped, this psyche, this skin and so the long, slow march, to my end, did begin... twisted is, as "touched" becomes the runner walks, the walker runs towards a sun, a storm, an "other" the comfort, chaos of a brother, a lover as that's what friends are, to me, this bizarre being, I'm aversive, this "soul", "me" so far... away from "the normal", I'm removed from myself as if narrating a life that doesn't belong to me, but somebody else yet there is no one here, but me, this "my own" and nowhere, "long haul" have i found it, a home I've tasted it, touched it made love to, and fucked it but when nightfall descends there is no one else, enamored of me, in equal, again... friends are lovers and lovers are gods because i felt something so real, so beautiful, heart fought all the moments, head cocked the sky detached, destroyed, as to "connect" is to fly and like miracles, they appeared beyond all the thinking, the questions of "why".. but none, could i claim as my own, woman, man like sex, but beyond drenched in divine, just simply being near them, holding, split second, their hand... is "together" just a teenage dream? land of wounded, wanderlust extremes is any "one" or feeling, thought, real? built upon the alter of a heart born to steal... stolen, given, ripped out, compelled regardless, this, "the fall", where i fell upon the "knowing" i did feel alive "love myself", while loving you so much in your glance, your glow, like the divine in "derive" inspiration, insight, intelligence immeasurable amongst all the, "all the rest" devoid of depths, electric or pleasurable i felt it, shared it, told it, the tale the one, yes i loved you and felt it without question or fail then the return to earth, from the skyward you inspired those moments, could i stay there forever? if only this body, this being, rewired to be the one for yes, that day, did finally come signed, sealed, delivered a heroic "belong to you", done you'd see me, as i saw you, so powerful right time, right place the universe aligned in the allowable girl or boy or boy or girl we wander here wanting what? i cannot tell you, I'm not really here in full, meant for this world as what i see and what i feel never quite matches up to another's truth, what is real so fire, walk with me as i question all the madness, magic within, and without split soul, second guessing.. why things come, seem to always go the moments with you i never wanted them to end and would tear off each limb, to live them, yes, once again as if you didn't, already know forever etched, here, this heart, blessed and bloodied and, in fight, fearless, found this timeless attempt here, to show.. you. (alone) bowen hart roselli 20 july 2020 ringwald love
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