my shell, it seems
is the only thing that is known as me if "nothing is as nothing seems" i'll be the nothing i am, to you, for free i am skin and eyes and skull and bone i am hair and fingers and limbs, here on loan i am a photograph you "no heartedly" gaze swiping and scrolling in a "hook up fried" haze sick of talking to another who's talking to everyone else "past your eyes" looking is the new normal, game so "marriage equality" is legal and it doesn't mean a thing too many "already partnered or married's" bring such a soul sting but back to "my shell", attached to a name many may know it, but they don't know the shame. that pulsates, pounds with every beat of my heart says the boy who imbibed "tragedy" as his most drawn to, of arts now older and wiser in a shallow soaked world where "bisexual" means you'll do anyone for attention my grandma, a dog, any willing boy or girl my shell, inside possesses a soul along with a heart, but all i am is a hole to attach any thought, you don't have for a moment, then on the the next, utterly disposable. i own it. because i know it, and the truth does not lie because i see it, played out daily. my shell, it seems underneath, here, i hide. 21 march 2019 ringwald love.
see the carrot, dangled and dazzling
bobbed and weaving above your eyes dynamic, divine, swaying, side to side glistening, golden its the absolute in an elusive lie everything, it knows, you want whether or not, you admit it, confess the carrot, dangled, knows you in "naked" sees through your attempts to deny it, forsake it it is the apple, "you're eve" or, if offended, we can call you "steve" no matter the label, or title, here called grab for it, bite it begins here, "the fall" this battle for power, of submit to "the hold" this carrot is smart, knows your secrets untold it wants you to want it worship, enslaved, sit. and wait forever, for the possibility, it's yours the difference defined, through the Christ and the whores a trickster, with mixture, soul drenched, light and dark versatile, for symphonies and saran wrapped, you, for "play time" you, "the played", he, "the man" what to give, to "the he" who has everything? a family and a husband and a stable of others, lined up, labeled, valuated, vaseline-d what to give, is "the crawl" that he wants the carrot is lifeless, if not dangled, in front real trust is earned in action, not words in follow up and follow through like blood is red and sky is blue fuck purple. and it's mixture of madness you're better off in the comfort of strangers' sheets, sadness those without the smarts or the power of carrots the difference between lions for lambs, mice for ferrets do not pretzel or bend do not grab, beg, the carrot the secret is this, please imprint, be aware, it sit silent and strong make no movement, at all. and watch as that carrot gets bored, then moves on. the lesson, the carrot was never about you it's for those without insight or depth, to see through the carrot wants your power, for him keep you salivating, in waiting a toy, imprisoned, his whims impalpable and ever, just out of reach what is practiced, presented isn't always what's preached before your eyes let it fall, let it rise know exactly who and what, the carrot is. and keep walking alone your dreams, a coveted, carrot-less man make a wish. (one who wants you, as much as you want him, one unencumbered, reciprocal heart, throbbed, real, begin) 27 october, 2018 ringwald love. prisoner of the red lights.
dreams daily of setting himself free. (too many people, not enough humans, the streets are war zones, anyway) one day he will. it will be glorious to feel. keep moving forward, and in time, things can heal. (so they say and so he prays, in awareness of the "ravaged within" state.) he says, "as far away from "the everyone's" as possible, please all the chaos and careless, brought me to my broken and beleaguered knees"... "but in the end I'll stand tall and silent, transcendent as majestic, with meaning, as the ever present trees"... that surround us all, but you sometimes have to wonder does anyone notice, does anyone see? just another prisoner of the red lights. secretly dreaming, another life, "meant to be" 1 june 2018 ringwald love. i wonder who little orphan annie would be
if she had seen the things i've seen would she still be singing "the sun'll come out tomorrow" or would she sink into the pit, "i want to off myself", sorrow bitch had daddy warbucks to save her mine never came. my heart throb, dark angel man, savior instead, i've been an "or-a-fist" orphan tricked and whored upon this alter despair, destruct, implied, implored the pain of being bent over the railing, into hell sodomized on secrets mind, "meat-minced", to dwell. i try to think "positive!" but it doesn't last very long seems i'm telling myself lies, far too weak to stand strong watching as all the other urchins grow and live to say "i told you so" "you're too negative to get what you want" has turned me into "soft seething" sore cunt which is beyond unattractive and not worthy of adoption as "you bet your bottom dollar" takes on new meanings and options like get me to the nearest bang, for a buck. barely alive still counts as a "good enough" fuck. as long as i'm still sort of pretty, in the dark us orphans, so needy will do anything, literally, on the lark that maybe that ship will come in and not sink keep dreaming, keep praying don't look back, stop to think that maybe little annie was a fraud, compulsive lies, wants and whims or maybe not, can the happy ever conjoin to the end? without bending and crawling spreading, "spitballing" who knows, gotta go, it seems some thing, but no one, is calling.... (for me) 12 february 2019 ringwald love ![]() SOME stranger sometimes says something striking ONE whisper, one time wetted, waistband whitenings FOUND forever fondlings framed in fire, fulfilled, filthy MY magic man, mysterious a muse, in monotone, managerial marked, my membrane, missed INNER inkling, insights, insides intuitive imaginings, impacts in "idolize" HEART hauntings, hues of "home" hopeful, heavenly, higher, him (echoes of infinite, i am not here, alone) 16 may 2018 ringwald love to the lengths of which
i've lost my mind for the things we search but cannot find could they be found by looking within or is the secret found in surrender, give in to all that which we cannot know cannot perceive once seeds are sown some say "rent"and some say "own" some wander in packs while some walk alone which one "is" and which one "was" the you, you believed well, "just because" because someone told you that's what you were decided, your fate like the "should" in the "sure" as in, are you really, so strong, underneath to not be conditioned, like "wash, rinse, repeat" do the same things over, and over again like the song "saved by zero" "maybe someday i'll win..." but you won't if you don't soon awaken, this fracture the one that separates your "you", from the rapture of feeling the soul of your skin, for yourself walk in truth, heart assured, you are nobody else but the you that sees things and feels them, quite deep misunderstood, maybe like "the sheep" is, to seep inside of you then leave, true blue wondering, this mind of yours is it all, a lie, or truth flashbacks, playgrounds casual brutalities of youth banish them, behind you no need, "play the sleuth" just breathe, in your confident and bleed, then get on with it. living in your dream before it leaves, left, in you a haunting vision of what, "if only", i'd said all the things, loving lost, them, trapped in my head there are many things that i can do stripped and "salved", naked, bed but i lay here in silence, keeping secrets, instead 15 may 2018 ringwald love replaying the film in my mind rewinding, pausing, a thousand times. looking for traces, searching for clues. who really, were you, and what was the truth like a belief in beauty, broken vanished, gone, once come unglued feeling i could believe in you. oceanically deep, gorgeous to bone, i sensed you, i thought, powerfully true. until that truth showed itself, but illusion your "exclusive on elusive" became a secret telling intrusion like the whispers from an "other", present in the room. showing me what i could not see, my wanting of you, the game, you feed. pouring my depths as others would pour of the bullshit to impress you'll take the rest of them, for the win leave me in a longing, confused. perpetual state of confess and undress. i will become stronger than my memory of you. no choice, devil now known. the best of me (heart) for the worst of you, proved. written 10.30.2018 |
the realm of the poetic.
prisoner of the psyche and the inescapable. heart. Archives
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