it's a feelings free-for-all let's have one, ok? and have a ball... stomping, stepping, smashing 'em to bits.. like feelings were laxatives and we've all got the shits... as in no one gives a fuck what you feel that's just life, just part of the deal it's a "me first" world filled with selfish boys 'n girls what is it they say about swine before pearls? oops, that's in, reverse, my mistake, so beat me, good please all my feelings, for you to partake the ones called "worthless", "less than", "dumb" abuse, built tough, now it makes me cum... all the words, so demeaning, wrong get me hard, salivate my "strong" need to be put in a place, i understand topped off with the whip, creamed, your back hand stricken, struck like the mind, is a fuck one that drills me, deeper, into you all the feelings you own, yes It's true the one's quite good, that are twisted as bad loyalty, love, turn me, happy to sad that for some reason, they leave me last on your list a lifetime of this, trains one good, "take a fist" 'cuz at least that's honest and "makes me a man" tough enough to sit on, not hold, your hand built for a bruising and a conditioned reaction, enthusing! primed and chimed, my bell rung, "good for using" but even better for believing, the more you've mastered the art of deceiving I'm all heart, for "the give", you're receiving and "all crawl", for the bone, thrown retrieving the one you offer, that you dangle, just enough that says, when you feel like it you kinda like me, "'n stuff" illusions of something more, like "care" watch me do anything, take every risk, every dare.. this feelings free-for-all i was born, made, quite aware... that real love, with depth and soul, heart, it is rare.. so i set out to be, all the things, that were lost on me.. kind, considerate, thoughtful, you see? in a moment, a heartbeat you can lift, make someone's day just by being genuine, speaking of things that the others' won't say compliments, praisings sung, sweet, with soul while too many, called "most" are far too busy playing the "bullshit speak" role as in "blah, blah, blah".. it all means nothing with very few willing to call all the bluffing... hollow words, hollow ears hollow smiles, hollow tears... hollow truth, hollow eyes hollow sex, hollow thighs.. the feelings free-for-all it's real, not a lie many come to trample, and few stop, look back, why? cuz that requires empathy with a heaping dose, responsibility the realization that "you" matters to "me" and can form that thing, so scary, feared, worse than death, called "we"... but that requires too much effort, here and now, too much focus, "weird", what's that all about? "must be something wrong with him".. to truly give a shit now, damn, the outlook is grim.. so grab it, stab it, fuck it, made the feelings free-for-all it "just is" one, the same I'm only responsible for mine so, "fuck you" and with that simple statement, brutal truth, done, I'm through.... (as in "done" by one and all, then you, the one i voted "most unlikely to"... do me, the way you've done, in the end, no, not that one, it's just the feelings-free-for-all, feeling, once again.....) but the feeling, underneath is the feeling, believe in you, always your light, the fight... no matter what... 'til the end. bowen hart roselli 15 july 2020 ringwald love
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