one person's petty is another's profound one person's square is another one's round one person's lost is another one's found one person's pleasure source is another one's pound acutely aware i have a mind of my own i live with this, agonizingly as i survive each day, in and out one alone one person's pity party is another person's proud one person's quiet is another person's loud I'd like to think i can trust myself but so much has gone wrong, this mind, strained by hell the kind that comes from, head first, diving in to the wells of love and loyalty, heart who knew that, here, was the ultimate sin I'm "like a girl", or so they say, who lives to please and make your day because i know, how awful this place what it feels like to be last in the race doesn't mean i'm a "snow", as in "flake" I've survived muggings and beatings and just a stupid little thing called a few "sorta rapes" life is hard, just harder for some anyone "out there", as in with a brain, not blind, dumb 'cuz this place wants you force fed and numb one person's peach is another one's plumb you can always find me "exit sign" searching, "escape plan", on the run you can always find me last on the list as in "to do", "didn't bother" or "oh shit, i forgot, yeah i had that bitch, done" gazing at stars or just plain gazing to be gone far away, as in, away from here land of message, "don't live, live in fear" "be yourself, but don't be yourself" cuz in order to fit, you gotta be like everyone else even if you suck at the game that's ok, cuz they'll always need someone to blame they'll always need a believer, "the bull" it balances the scales, those, "the intense", those "the dull" so I'd just like to figure it out for myself stop needing "please believe me" everyone else one person's "sick" is another one's sane one person's loss is another one's gain one person's promise is another one's pain one person's sun is another one's rain I'm just one person confused and daily struggle with the "less than enthused" feeling that not much here matters anymore one person's angel is another one's whore.... I've been both, and trust me it's really fucked, as in, fucked up, me all i can do is walk, with, across this divide the one called the split inside forever here, a prisoner walking, chained to the gang, my tribe "blurred, fine line" bowen hart roselli 20 july 2020 ringwald love
why didn't i figure this out sooner? you're guide to being normal (which means successful, loved, wealthy, happy, wanted and therefore beautiful too) 1. Every morning upon waking and throughout the day as a little reminder, refresher, chant to yourself: "me, me, me, all my eyes, and insides can see, if not then I'd have two pairs of eyes, so obviously, it's only me" 2. caring. Care, but don't really care, about anything, anyone, too deeply or completely (simply saying you care will get you through life just fine and the less you care, to the point of not caring at all, the better) 3. words. Understand words don't have any value, soul or meaning, they're just something to fill the air space around others and strictly said to get your own way. Never take anyone's words seriously, or to heart, and they won't either, and then everyone is happy and good! 4. others. Understand you are only around other people, not with them, very important. "with" can cause creepy feelings (we'll cover those things next) that can make you think other people matter, while "around" means it's just you in the shared space of another "you", and that's what's called the truth to live and succeed by. 5. feelings. Get rid of those things by any means necessary, they are your enemy. They are creepy. They get in the way of the only purpose you have, yourself. They are also not real, because if they were they would never change and remain constant, verifiable, like the days of the week or the money you have in your bank accounts. 6. love. Another unverifiable, and only to be said or used to get something, get somewhere higher up than you currently are. If someone says "i love you" it means they want something from you, are just bored and speaking words (refer back to #3), are one of those "doormat people" looking to be used and treated like shit (that goes for people who seem to have feelings (#5) and put out energy (that next) and emotions that equate being loving, caring (#2) towards you). The only people like that are the homeless, the poor and the dead. That's why they are known as "hopeless romantics", after all, and "care givers"too, those people live impoverished. 7. energy. All energy must be saved, stored, spent on you, yourself only. It's necessary to look like your spending it on others, but use sparingly, and always for personal gain, otherwise that's called "wasted" and that isn't good. Consider it a part of the "energy conservation movement" and "being green". Green equates money, so remember that, that's a good thing, and the ultimate goal of everything, besides yourself. 8. relationships. Apply all the above rules simultaneously and understand the "ships" at the end mean they are always sinking so your next ship can come in! The one that will take you farther, get you more. Higher, higher, higher up the ladder, always the goal. 9. friends. Apply all rules above and make sure your phone, your facebook, all social media and the air space around you has plenty of them. They are basically bodies that you spend time with, text, on your time schedule only, in case you ever need something from them or can use them to get further up that ladder of life. Don't ever answer the phone if these people call. that's weird and that implies they are trying to use or take something from you. No phone calls except from your parents, if still alive (think of the inheritance, think of the will), your stock broker, your bank, your doctor or your latest relationship (those people tend to make you, and since your fucking them for gain, money, gifts and maybe a place to live -nice neighborhood, home only- then you have to allow it, occasionally.) 10. sex. A means to an end. Money, gifts, marriage (if it gets you more, gets you a better standing in life), momentary pleasure of the body, "a way in" to someone who can make your life better, more successful. If anyone ever calls you a whore, don't get mad (no feelings, #5) don't say anything, but know it just means your successful. If anyone ever mentions "love" or having feelings afterward, assess what you can get from them, and if nothing, run for your life and block their phone number, these people are not future friends to use to your advantage, they are weird, they are nothing. 11. family. A burden we all carry. Apply all above rules except #9 and #10 (there's no money or success in incest, that's sad, and you don't have feelings remember - #5) and remember, think of the will, think of the inheritance. See your brothers and sisters, if you have them, as competitors and do what you can to take them out, if possible. If not, position yourself as the executor of any possible future estate, because they get extra for taking on that role. Cousins, nephews, nieces, useless, but if you have any aunts or uncles, definitely do what you can to maintain light, yearly contact, they might include you in their estate for doing so. Normal is "it". Normal is now. Normal is right. Normal is everywhere.'s just...the norm. Conform. You know you really want to...right? Normal will make sure you sleep free and easy at night. Normal will guarantee your future is bright. Success and prosperity at any cost. Normal. Learn it, absorb it, record memory.....Sleep tight. bowen hart roselli 24 july 2020 ringwald love too intense for my own good i should, i should be made of wood i shouldn't, shouldn't care so much i should be carefree! a.k.a, "out of touch"... but wait, but wait i already am, land of "do not give a damn" land of left and land of right lies and frauds, no end in sight.. "ultra-liberal", "ultra-tight" asses, offended by any insight that doesn't fit the agenda, "the fight", to indoctrinate "an anti-hate" state that's filled with hate, and smiles so fake.. misinformation, so "informative", so? they'll only be happy when we're all on skid row then we'll all, be all, "the same" fall in line, holding out palms, "oooh, can't wait, look, a dime!" given 'cuz we're so perfect 'n good land of "never think" that questionings' good.. gotta be polished, "politically correct" or else you're alive, and then that's labeled "a birth defect".. to be "poster child-like", oh no! "look what happens, we told you so!" but we'll pity you, a glorified victim vilified, from behind, whispers, "look, what the right did, took 'em" down a path called "on your own" as in, decide for yourself, "less bitch, more moan" I'd rather be that than a regressive progressive bore no wonder fellow fags don't like me anymore... oh, I'm sorry, it's fellow "homosexuals" is that still ok to say? or has that been banned as "ineffectual" i don't know and i don't give.. a fuck, i just wanna be free and live... in a country, less "cunt", more comfy without "proper behavior police", offended, coming.. after me, for just trying to live, "do my thing" without the constant "auto-corrective" sting.. "can't say this, gotta over-label that" yeah, everyone deserves their turn at bat but that doesn't mean that we're all winners... please let me go hang with the bastards and sinners cuz I'm not "right", and "supposed to be far left" but I'm not really either, so fucking shoot me in my "pussy ass" chest.. but wait, you can't cuz they took all the guns and replaced 'em with "warm hugs" that's no fun... cuz i want to live in a world called reality but that's not happening so then this, my mentality... very few care, if i live or i die that's just truth, doesn't make me cry doesn't make me feel I'm so god damn entitled to think all my "friends" will show up and cheer, my recital the one i never had, "just for show" the pics, social media, they were fake don't ya know? so yes, I'm "too real" for my own good and many things, i "just couldn't", but could couldn't play this shit, they way "they" wanted by "the far left, far right" I've been pulled apart, and confronted.. i mean, holy fuck, isn't anyone, even human anymore? do i have to be "picture perfect" to knock on your door? if yes, then I'm sorry, then let's just "call it good" cuz i just can't be, what they demand that i should I'm a "left middle right?" leaning guy who happens to like getting fucked and falling for, other dudes, men, guys and yes, I'm aware that makes me, the most vilified for "my kind" to despise cuz god forbid we were more than a label that won't getcha a seat at the "beyond woke bitches" table but it will get me going towards the real place, i belong with the "other ones" also "not quite right", but so right since we're, to the bullshit, "so wrong" bowen hart roselli 21 july 2020 ringwald love the dysfunction junction
a place where the mind makes a lot of assumptions things you see, sense, no acknowledgment at all like a “sweet sixteen" waiting anxiously by the phone hoping the classmate bad boy down the block, will call because he hinted, that he might as he fondled a chest, not quite fully there, throwing her, his best rebel stare she didn't seem to mind, or care but she did, she just didn't let on the things teenagers do while dreams and days, still lived long, like the swoon, in a "be mine", love song there are many bodies, milling about the dysfunction junction is what the truth is all about a "welcome friends", sign hangs in the air, alongside "learn to live numb, learn not to care" the last thing you want here is your eyes open, aware that something, is terribly "off" at this station normalized, the "not quite right", also known as, people to people relations notice i did not say "human" that's rarer than, sandpaper on skin is known to be subtle and soothing human means one is able to relate to another, with emotions in a "beyond themselves" state things like empathy, consideration, compassion things that make the ship in relations real, lasting be them friends, romantic or respectful stranger the dysfunction junction is the destination, stop, danger warning signs flash as all are there, wearing see through masks masks that reveal, all are out for "the kill" whether we realize it or not we are all sold and bought to the "after" in the "thought", the dysfunction junction a place we try to pretend, we forgot as we scratch and claw for our place, alone, we are tethered the dysfunction junction is the "leave now", before the "or" is followed by, "you will never" hard to do, since we've all got it like a lesson in school nobody taught you, but taught it somehow, it's just part of our make up like the "built in" in "brick wall", selfish designs, lead to the predestined break up of so many couples really not, really, joined deep at all it's he amongst her and her clawing him and sally doing susie and johnny fucking jim there is no "love" to "make" within the dysfunction junction partake its a swarm of bodies playing their shit out, on each other pretending it's "a connection", but not that requires real work, real thought the lengths we go to believe and deceive ourselves, our "friends" our "loves", families... and that's the most, feared word, of all family, "god help us" like "the cult", kool-aid called drunk down and swallowed picket fence, "babies, babies" and a dog, you forgot to check, that frothing at the mouth, "do you think that might be rabies?" kids pumped out, like mom's taking a shit "it's what everyone does", so we must, of course, suck on the same tit the one that's been, milked dry and turned sour the dysfunction junction more packed by the hour it's grueling work, to walk life alone no one, "on the daily" to blame, betray, bitch and moan but I've found, while "just slightly", dysfunctional myself, the deepest of souls, on the "alone" path, as well some are married, some are not most have families, some kids, some not but one thing separates these souls, from the others there is "something" inside they aren't just people, they are humans and lovers of having a mind, a heart, soul, of their own and while they may be with, or surrounded by others innately they are travelers, sensitive, alone slightly dysfunctional too, as no one alive here, is truly immune but when arriving at the junction they said, "fuck this, I'm through".. acting this, and playing that I'll do my own thing, take my chances, "what's that?" that's called an individual with an electricity, presence of their own they speak their own language, see things for themselves, truths, insights, unknown by anyone else until the gift, called, found here, rare, them and this then, the meaning real togetherness, when... you can recognize a fellow singular being and that's when love strikes you as if the lights, suddenly turned on, you are seeing... yourself, in a mirror that isn't just a one way, but two, fucking miracle.. far away from the dysfunction junction things can actually be quite pure sweet, truly endearing and beautiful. it's not about using and taking, for the take it's not about abusing harming, the delicate skin covering the heart, psyche, what's at stake is the reality, truth we all secretly want love, and to be known but not by those trained, stationed, the dysfunction junction, they've been proven, to be shown to be shit stirrers and users and manipulators, many at the dysfunction junction the herd is flocking, not thinning.. so do what you can, run, avoid that place or else you will vanish, your sense of self obliterated, without a trace it doesn't vibe "happy!", and it's does jive, "good" but the dysfunction junction shows you the way.. that "shouldn't be", becomes "yes it should".. by all those buying and selling it's lie turn away, do the best you can it's called, in the end, the courage to try, and not blame yourself, lost forever... in why. (some of us here, this place, never really our home, but we got here somehow, and with each other, we found, not quite, exactly..completely...alone) bowen hart roselli 23 july 2020 ringwald love an ending to the having to die in order to start over, anew the never ending confusion, "bleed through" what it means, our "we", does it mean more to me, than it did, does to you? tell me to fuck off, or stay but stop it, us these "closer, go away", "too close, you got to, the real me", games all of us, we are to blame heads should, yes, be hung, in shame for that which we behold, then betray technology tidbits instead of vulnerability, slain friends are humans, too, underneath naked hope, noble, underneath all the sheets all the photos and "easy bake oven" nods, grabs can never be enough for what we lack, don't have the "love struck" attention, all the magic we are missin' so said the babe, "it all comes out in the kissin'" not me, the one he was remarking, that for but that kinda shit, sweet I'm a whore for, adore anything, rare with soul, with passion with heart, god damn it where is it anymore? tick, that tock, ever faster, time passing as we hide and hurt, distract our lives away fucking miracle, someone standing before you arms outstretched, lets walk together let's play let's sit and talk and fuck our phones and, not phone sex, cheap wad shot moans I've done all that and it did me in rode the train to hell, for the "feel something", not skin but you know what killed me, undone, in the end? the unexpected, unfathomable "sweet" in the never saw it coming, "him" so call me obsessed with the heart, yes i am it's rare, lasting connection now world of "grab n go", starve, but for "thankful", "eat spam" world of words, tossed off, too easy world of "take this", numb it out, feel the terror, when queasy over anything that makes one look deep, in themselves i've took that train, called straight into hell but what, the point, if there be found, fostered, no heaven yeah, i got fondled and "did" by age seven but so what, so many, this happened to, sadly why, jesus christ, do you think i seek, give love, a little light to the point of "madly" because it matters what we say and do because i know how it feels tattooed forehead marked, inked "born to be screwed" so i never want to be all the horrid shit I've experienced, seen i just want to care, the few, left, any whose eyes have that "not meant to be here either", glow, gleam land of nothing is, as nothing seems i want to die, as "fucked up", but humanly possible, clean owning my shit and genuinely saying, I'm sorry for the wounds, warped, within that cause schizo expressionistic gushings, spun, starry eyed head, black and blue eyes, mislead and confused, times ten so "the inward" bleeds outward and it's back to square one again and again how the heaven to navigate the "me", loving "you" and whether any of "this" means anything at all our minds, overtaxed filling in the blanks what it means now, when few, can barely handle a call on that damn thing now, we, "the all", in all of us, inescapably addicted to, beyond cocaine or crack, private parts so, in secret code, known by "the suck" or "the blew" at least that addiction included physical contact, in real but even that, ever more just a wasted reality for the "black hole feed", feel its just more, more, more and more, for "the same" and deflect, disavow and don't ever take blame we need a "courage transfusion" said the goddess leah "can we invent that", infusion amongst all the mundane and the constant information intrusion yes, gorgeous, beautiful, let's give it a name one that doesn't need a point, as in the overused, "exclaim" it's called "stand up" and be a human, woman or man be willing to risk, reach out for the hand that comes not to bite, back stab or betray but the one that just loves you, god forbid, without stray all your flaws, fears, fractures, "fires", that make you so beautiful, pure, the want, gift, just stay as in stick around and just adore you, in full knowing without you, life, not the same sad and dull its in the electric that cannot be charged, "usb" the one called "human magic" that can, does exist in the invisible "cord of kind, one of", bond you and me see? it lives and dies, "give, receive" and all it takes is a little effort to keep it watered, and a little risk for the reward, breathed, "believe" this "thing" called "ours" a safe haven away from all the bullshit, sweet reprieve it is, and was, quite real and beautiful, all along for the man that inspired a new meaning, becoming, in "stand strong" (for all the things misunderstood, in silence, and overthinking, then speaking, may the wounds, they mend, made right, then, when wrong) bowen hart roselli 26 may 2020 ringwald love wars everywhere. man vs woman gay vs straight black vs white left vs right technology vs nature the social media obsessed, phone-fried, head down never looking up, or around selfie-soaked to oblivion, drowned "family with kids", consumed that's their whole identity, doomed and the ones like me by their loneliness, groomed outsiders, outcasts freaks, so forced to the strangulation "the masks" in a world where little, of substance, soul, lasts to wake up and breathe here, the most heroic of tasks... don't call me anything just call me human. I pledge my allegiance to know one, eight then their beings, like god, send yes, we, the beauty betrayed, last whisper, (a secret) in them, I still believe there's a heaven. (of love). be it "train wreck and tragedy" touched, somewhere, still alive, they see things with wisdom, and sight, as they are you'd call them friends, I call them stars wars and wars and wars again. "the normals" crave bullshit like the sanctimonious crave sin rich vs poor less vs more credit vs cash my heart vs my ass one throbs, the other sobs rarely in unison older, and worn, I should be at peace that there is nothing left to prove, then but with all this war and all this crazy my "tism" is prone to monosyllabic "mazing" just want to walk and never stop walking away from all the meaningless talking away from all the "this vs that" but then heaven, with him just enraptured, we sat and communed cajoled and left behind all the roles skinless and soul sexed I saw a new mutation of a passion, perplexed that unbeknownst to me there could be found, his kind of one that I have never seen one that I have never known. somehow, in his presence I feel realized, and not, in the least, alone I guess that's what others mean, when they say that thing, "I feel at home" just the want to stay, not run, not roam some wars inside have hidden healings, (feelings) intoned. (I dare not dream, but I do, just the same) for a love, unlabeled unleashed, hear my name. (in the hum of your heartbeat, in the search, your "someone", your "same") you came. so did I. no need to worry or question or "why?" just pray, like thunder and shine, like rain may he one day "come to" and see, here, in one, we our two. twins. can't fuck. but can we finally turn, alter the course of "the damned", bent, "bad luck" maybe, maybe not no game, this flower pluck, garbage, "he loves me, loves me not" some things just are, take the chance or fester, the scar recognize your kind or risk the ruin, the light, left behind a light that's diminishing day after day the endless bitching and moaning, from chosen corners, coveted, victims "look at me, us, our pain" we've all got it in different forms, called "societal norms" trapped and crapped and tricked and dicked for every asshole there's a conniving bitch so back to "distance, social", survive but in him I felt the want, impassioned, cultivate, "thrive" it begins and ends those god dreamed eyes where sweet meets sadness woe meets wise electric non-expectant just here and there and everywhere no wonder, he afraid my intense and focused, ever-present stare the one that speaks "I am really here", unlike all the others, they, the "all talk", me, the endeared wars once more and the battle scarred, "come, oblivion", wish tell me, whose twin would you die their arms, to be devoured in, kiss, live. again. the gorgeous, unexpected. soul drowning, ever confounding. (him). twin. brother, of the war "our within". bowen hart roselli 21 march 2020 ringwald love instead of serving a man, I'm serving a purpose please let me know if the "misunderstand", in my destruction, of self, was worth this misconstrued, beliefs that if I ripped out my heart handed it to you, me, every part you would somehow see me with love, so the start of climbing rocks not "black and blocks"* as in another transient "meant nothing" experience that i must black out, erase quite clear, in this those rocks i climbed to reach your heights once you had me in your sights were nothing more than a means to an end the work required, build your ego, then send tumbling down, then back up again same old game, different body part and when you were done i was just another one nothing to do, with the inside, me like the blind, ask, then what it is they can't see my fault, always fixated on fires in fractured hallways putting words to thoughts and beliefs to illusions vision, it becomes the crippling intrusion just a side effect, sometimes me, living in a dream ceiling stares, sighing, "I'll do anything, if you believe and forgive me, this time" meanwhile, you've moved on hit the gas, on the pedal, rearview mirror, looking past any reflection, remembrance of me as in, "it had nothing to do with" but in this way, not a good thing this is exactly what it means my "disposable and pose-able" like a fleshlight, with a built in glowable as unnecessary, after the fact just, i, the dumbshit, not in on the act that filters, broken misperceive words spoken as actually meaning, something more than they do, label me "had", then disposed of, when through side effects, sometimes they can show you what's true but only if, you the strength, look anew at realities beyond your limited scope, mind very few and little here, are very ever that pure and kind as to not be operating from feared "motives, ulterior" we obliterate the inside, for the objectified exterior i happen to be, one who gives as to live makes me feel like i'm shining, when sharing all that i have, for the few, worth the daring gifts offered, are given soul free it's not about expecting something in return it's about seeing a soul, then touched, in a land where most don't do these things very much most words spoken, forgotten, once said and to have any kind of memory now means, "best do research on the lobotomized head" as in how to get one, in order to survive this, not a place where "the soft men", survive so harden up, and not in cock learn to steer clear of climbing those rocks for any man or being, at hand that needs elevation, "false god", inflation sole purpose, steal your soul, for theirs an act of power, because they sensed they could, wanting you left then, knowing, feeling you are less than worthless, think "hollowed out wood" side effect, sometimes wisdom, for wanting in your splitting, tormenting, you've earned this but for the longing of lips, kissed, love and lust, trust, the lesson, you, will never, learn this that long ago "upon a star", i felt him, sensed him, in shadow, his "call" and since then i've "done it" and saw, i thought, all until i experienced him, slowly, and found a new kind of "fall" (for, apart, the "in", before love) as the desire to believe, in love give and recieve now matter how "bizarre" or broken, unspoken, it's form is the mountain i will forever reach for, climb vision embedded within, someway, somehow, he is out there waiting, i've met him, speaking in silence, "be mine" bowen hart roselli 3 april 2020 ringwald love *the "black and block" teqhnique is something taught to me by a brilliant friend, i refer to as "Xackati" the man who burns his bridges with fire puzzled, his pieces whom, "the loved", died, admired doesn't do anything by half or by thick look deep within, you will see little skin on his surface, his shine his maze, man made mind a man who thinks, for himself watch, his ways he will capture, then catch you melt, his mark, as he strays back and forth, then bolts, like a colt blinds you, by "wayside" what you feel, that's a jolt that startles and stuns disorientates, the heat of his gun as he penetrates, then propagates the need to run, his place in the sun haunts you, his presence as if, he, heart bled just might've been, the only one you'd ever met, called "cannot forget" no matter all the maneuvers you tried somehow, in the soak in, his eyes, you found, in the afterward, yes, you had died just in the way he might've wanted you to subconsciously so, this man, with everything and nothing to prove still, as the night warm breeze and wind, the gods favorite height peaceful and passion filled his throbbing heart, chest safe then, at rest, sewed, the necessity of "nest" of which to feel, surrounded, in angels then switched, the scene, his "dangerous", change angles swiftly, disarmingly thunder, lightning strikes, alarming, he alerting you he will not be caged so spills forth, his rapturous rage somehow, some sway inside of him, searching for someone, "something" worth, his secret, wants, cherished, saved in a place, no one can touch while he, so touchingly drips his blood, in slow, demanding, droplets, as he, commands, unspoken one, in silence, reach for and clutch his delicate soul, heart riddled, with holes from bullets, or, etched arrows, so shot by hero's and heroines all the remembrances that must not be forgot and so he burns his bridges, with fire called to some place that hearkens of "higher" elevations, like mountains and trails he walks, then he rests at cliffs edge, finds "no fail" inside of him, he is at home and at peace the man who burns his bridges with fire something inside, "needing out", rain, released upon , "the within" things, that no longer are him pulled by so many forces, apart in longing for "safe, stay" he leaves behind those that can't keep his ways understood or impact, his scatter just let be in his time, feel the matters out, and work, inside himself empty his well springs, replenish, and rectify his warring wants, wealth not measured by the means of "the many" finished, fed up, by "the plays" of the plenty the man who burns his bridges with fire puts the "one", after that which is prefaced by the "unlike" in "any" as in, not like anyone you've ever met the man who burns his bridges with fire the soul definition of "cannot shake him" forget. bowen hart roselli 3 april 2020 ringwald love entertaining new awakenings, passenger windows of pathways, in the headlights, coming.. maybe I'm not as crazy as I think learning to sit still, hard work. recognize, this here, all, but a blink amongst the proverbial ever present eye all the chatter, the fear that keeps me stuck, the longing, deep inside we are all, I guess, warriors of our own minds seeking some softness, amongst all the concrete, unforgiving unkind back to nature focus, trees release all the longings I so wanted, the you I found, so alive here, in me all the passion, pouring out all the things I realize the most important, I'm without a real sense of belonging and some exquisite soul, to give god damn, I want, and wanted it, be you but you've got your own ghosts, your own seeking, of truth we met, we found, whatever this was but I cannot force, or convince you, "this", a strange kind of love yes, I know, for me, it's true and found myself, your labyrinth engulfed, absorbing your electric hues things I so, look up, admire, in you your sense of fire, and freedom and "the done", when you're through adamant, obstinate mercurial, maybe "mad" so much revealed, when guard down deep eyes, sad I saw it early, and you said you felt blessed by whatever force that brought me, to sit by you, next evolution, evolved to the place we're now at, it all happened naturally no preconceived plan or equation, "expect" just day in, day out I experienced you "in the drivers seat", all your thoughts, ringing true and In so may states, and so many flows realized realizations, that i did not see coming, or "chose" and found myself feeling more and more, in heart, there, with you, just "at home" there was an actuality that brought us together never would have met, had the fates', not there, intervened, so tethered us, to that which, we both seek, to escape all the everyday enslaved, but for the dollar, to make the day to day doldrums, life as a monetized mundanity but if not for that exact reality I would've never found you, your incredible, unfathomable palpably touching humanity the paradox, the parallax view all the hundreds times thousands of moments, bled magic, that led me to you the fears of strangers and findings,"too close", "the run and the ruin it", projections of ghosts that cause the moments of terror, this "tender" one of us "stamped", the recipient versus sender synergies, synchronized maybe that's all, one can hope for, here fleeting, found, your paradise, wise and again, I return, those same, soul like sex, drenching, dream eyes say the wants and the wishes of an unrecognized life but for all i've seen, and all I know, comes the pain and the struggle to let it all go some rare beings you just want to bathe in, bask, behold, forever the "internal combustion" of chemistry, mystery the connection, ...."it....must...then"... "mean this, if that" and if not, then it must mean, nothing at all our fragile egos on the edges of them, like cliffs do we fall what I want, and see, "just me" reflections, visions, apparitions of "we" all the things that may not come to be whatever it's called, whatever it means... as alone in our worlds, of want and wander, search, see so again, I return, the silence and sanctuary, trees and can only hope, in human that you will somehow remember me as the realization swells it's all minefields, of "mine, feels" must "own this" the experience, alone, this. I can never be you, I can never know what's really true all I ever could ask, is that, for the fleeting, in moment you, just for a second, may have felt it too (the love, it was real) the inner chaos corrupts we return to games, minds don't trust we run and we run, the ever inner, insatiable son but, in surrender, yes, I once saw through to the immense, immeasurable heart that you hide, and you cultivate chaos, to prove that nothing and no one, excuse the gender, the sex, will ever truly know or capture you until the day, you are released to the rapture of allowance, "the open" not a manipulate, for a take, or a token not a mirage of masks, for the chore or the task of being anything, but the beautiful you fearing the vulnerable, you vacate and return to all the voices inside, you war, like a soldier, troop, placate this, we collide, here, and return to the silence, our inevitable "separate" as in "separate from", but aligned, in a way both "casualties of war" the "are you sick of me yet?", wounds, insecurities, we betray.. ourselves and those, around us, who'll stay watch over and cradle our "sleepless", no blame I felt that for you and I loved it, lived it, to a point, impassioned. compelled, drawn to, no shame. bowen hart roselli 1 april 2020 ringwald love a penchant for the overly complicated,
I guess that's why I desire to be dominated just tell me what you fucking want and do it straightforward, no fraudulent fronts no wishy-washy, back and forth my mind broken, it needs to succumb, your force but it's not in the way, you think I'm not some game or "role play" twink you've gotta have heart and you must feel love and if you can feed my starved psyche then you'll see, I'm yours and I will never get enough of you, your story, your sadness and glory your faults, your flaws your twists and turns, in me, you will find the perfect combination of "behold" and "burn" as in a fire, burning bright, your yearn some might say, "just a delusional fool" the kind, made of love, blind and stupid, "I'll never learn" the lessons that keep haunting me, again and again, all the faces, once past that I know, in sadness, I will not once more, see to feel such love but cannot feel it, flowing back, in exchange a malady that torments my mind, kind of good, but somewhat delicately deranged I only know, what I can feel for you but never understand that you might feel it back, for me, too and so I go to extremes to try to come to terms with what lies behind my eyes a mind in shards, a "heart of glass", for most they'll say, "yeah, I'll take a pass"... to much work and too much pain inside "too damaged", marked by the strain of just trying to make sense of a non sensible world you're fucked from the get go, if can't even be sure, if you're either a boy, or a girl got the parts and look of a man but the psyche, "fragile, vulnerable" like the archetype. "the girl" forever waiting, just to "stand by her man" yeah, that's "old school", but remember, I'm a fucking fool whose belief that there was a "one and only", has left me aged, and alone, in my lonely ness, that hurts and throbs, like hell some of us, not the same story, to tell... not the ones that we wanted, but got when dreams, they never come true, when sought they say you gotta give and fight for what you want i've done it and tried and time and again, I have died. "survivor", yes but exactly, what for? to watch another beautiful face, pass by, walk away, part my front door yes, there are times, I just don't think, I can take it anymore what's left to become, once you've already been an utter failure and a whore? at life, at success tired of being a god damned mess but once you know the damage, "has been", done where do you run, for escape, once "no fun" all the things you thought you believed the ones who came not to give, but deceive the ones who offered, tell me how to feel and how to heal but didn't stick around once I could not, at their alter, of "tossed off cliche'" bullshit, kneel some, I suppose, are just "too real" to belong here, the banished from "the straight, even keel" the ones that just want to think for themselves, trust me, that's a sure invitation to hell the hell of being awake and "wide" open to seeing all the game and the lies but fuck me, (you won't) for believing, some man, soul, out there who could handle me, want to be free to drown in the love, "unwavering" devotion, this ocean of heart that swims and soars, in the hope and possibility of "we" (found and lost, he slips, forever, through my hands) I guess I'm just a "born to walk alone" half-man. (but oh, what I wouldn't give, to dare, just once, this time, please be, prove me, finally, wrong) bowen hart roselli 31 march 2020 ringwald love |
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