too intense for my own good i should, i should be made of wood i shouldn't, shouldn't care so much i should be carefree! a.k.a, "out of touch"... but wait, but wait i already am, land of "do not give a damn" land of left and land of right lies and frauds, no end in sight.. "ultra-liberal", "ultra-tight" asses, offended by any insight that doesn't fit the agenda, "the fight", to indoctrinate "an anti-hate" state that's filled with hate, and smiles so fake.. misinformation, so "informative", so? they'll only be happy when we're all on skid row then we'll all, be all, "the same" fall in line, holding out palms, "oooh, can't wait, look, a dime!" given 'cuz we're so perfect 'n good land of "never think" that questionings' good.. gotta be polished, "politically correct" or else you're alive, and then that's labeled "a birth defect".. to be "poster child-like", oh no! "look what happens, we told you so!" but we'll pity you, a glorified victim vilified, from behind, whispers, "look, what the right did, took 'em" down a path called "on your own" as in, decide for yourself, "less bitch, more moan" I'd rather be that than a regressive progressive bore no wonder fellow fags don't like me anymore... oh, I'm sorry, it's fellow "homosexuals" is that still ok to say? or has that been banned as "ineffectual" i don't know and i don't give.. a fuck, i just wanna be free and live... in a country, less "cunt", more comfy without "proper behavior police", offended, coming.. after me, for just trying to live, "do my thing" without the constant "auto-corrective" sting.. "can't say this, gotta over-label that" yeah, everyone deserves their turn at bat but that doesn't mean that we're all winners... please let me go hang with the bastards and sinners cuz I'm not "right", and "supposed to be far left" but I'm not really either, so fucking shoot me in my "pussy ass" chest.. but wait, you can't cuz they took all the guns and replaced 'em with "warm hugs" that's no fun... cuz i want to live in a world called reality but that's not happening so then this, my mentality... very few care, if i live or i die that's just truth, doesn't make me cry doesn't make me feel I'm so god damn entitled to think all my "friends" will show up and cheer, my recital the one i never had, "just for show" the pics, social media, they were fake don't ya know? so yes, I'm "too real" for my own good and many things, i "just couldn't", but could couldn't play this shit, they way "they" wanted by "the far left, far right" I've been pulled apart, and confronted.. i mean, holy fuck, isn't anyone, even human anymore? do i have to be "picture perfect" to knock on your door? if yes, then I'm sorry, then let's just "call it good" cuz i just can't be, what they demand that i should I'm a "left middle right?" leaning guy who happens to like getting fucked and falling for, other dudes, men, guys and yes, I'm aware that makes me, the most vilified for "my kind" to despise cuz god forbid we were more than a label that won't getcha a seat at the "beyond woke bitches" table but it will get me going towards the real place, i belong with the "other ones" also "not quite right", but so right since we're, to the bullshit, "so wrong" bowen hart roselli 21 july 2020 ringwald love
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