the dysfunction junction
a place where the mind makes a lot of assumptions things you see, sense, no acknowledgment at all like a “sweet sixteen" waiting anxiously by the phone hoping the classmate bad boy down the block, will call because he hinted, that he might as he fondled a chest, not quite fully there, throwing her, his best rebel stare she didn't seem to mind, or care but she did, she just didn't let on the things teenagers do while dreams and days, still lived long, like the swoon, in a "be mine", love song there are many bodies, milling about the dysfunction junction is what the truth is all about a "welcome friends", sign hangs in the air, alongside "learn to live numb, learn not to care" the last thing you want here is your eyes open, aware that something, is terribly "off" at this station normalized, the "not quite right", also known as, people to people relations notice i did not say "human" that's rarer than, sandpaper on skin is known to be subtle and soothing human means one is able to relate to another, with emotions in a "beyond themselves" state things like empathy, consideration, compassion things that make the ship in relations real, lasting be them friends, romantic or respectful stranger the dysfunction junction is the destination, stop, danger warning signs flash as all are there, wearing see through masks masks that reveal, all are out for "the kill" whether we realize it or not we are all sold and bought to the "after" in the "thought", the dysfunction junction a place we try to pretend, we forgot as we scratch and claw for our place, alone, we are tethered the dysfunction junction is the "leave now", before the "or" is followed by, "you will never" hard to do, since we've all got it like a lesson in school nobody taught you, but taught it somehow, it's just part of our make up like the "built in" in "brick wall", selfish designs, lead to the predestined break up of so many couples really not, really, joined deep at all it's he amongst her and her clawing him and sally doing susie and johnny fucking jim there is no "love" to "make" within the dysfunction junction partake its a swarm of bodies playing their shit out, on each other pretending it's "a connection", but not that requires real work, real thought the lengths we go to believe and deceive ourselves, our "friends" our "loves", families... and that's the most, feared word, of all family, "god help us" like "the cult", kool-aid called drunk down and swallowed picket fence, "babies, babies" and a dog, you forgot to check, that frothing at the mouth, "do you think that might be rabies?" kids pumped out, like mom's taking a shit "it's what everyone does", so we must, of course, suck on the same tit the one that's been, milked dry and turned sour the dysfunction junction more packed by the hour it's grueling work, to walk life alone no one, "on the daily" to blame, betray, bitch and moan but I've found, while "just slightly", dysfunctional myself, the deepest of souls, on the "alone" path, as well some are married, some are not most have families, some kids, some not but one thing separates these souls, from the others there is "something" inside they aren't just people, they are humans and lovers of having a mind, a heart, soul, of their own and while they may be with, or surrounded by others innately they are travelers, sensitive, alone slightly dysfunctional too, as no one alive here, is truly immune but when arriving at the junction they said, "fuck this, I'm through".. acting this, and playing that I'll do my own thing, take my chances, "what's that?" that's called an individual with an electricity, presence of their own they speak their own language, see things for themselves, truths, insights, unknown by anyone else until the gift, called, found here, rare, them and this then, the meaning real togetherness, when... you can recognize a fellow singular being and that's when love strikes you as if the lights, suddenly turned on, you are seeing... yourself, in a mirror that isn't just a one way, but two, fucking miracle.. far away from the dysfunction junction things can actually be quite pure sweet, truly endearing and beautiful. it's not about using and taking, for the take it's not about abusing harming, the delicate skin covering the heart, psyche, what's at stake is the reality, truth we all secretly want love, and to be known but not by those trained, stationed, the dysfunction junction, they've been proven, to be shown to be shit stirrers and users and manipulators, many at the dysfunction junction the herd is flocking, not thinning.. so do what you can, run, avoid that place or else you will vanish, your sense of self obliterated, without a trace it doesn't vibe "happy!", and it's does jive, "good" but the dysfunction junction shows you the way.. that "shouldn't be", becomes "yes it should".. by all those buying and selling it's lie turn away, do the best you can it's called, in the end, the courage to try, and not blame yourself, lost forever... in why. (some of us here, this place, never really our home, but we got here somehow, and with each other, we found, not quite, exactly..completely...alone) bowen hart roselli 23 july 2020 ringwald love
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