straight to the core, the essence, my soul no games, no garbage, no masks, no roles your arrow it shot there and pierced, unexpected absolutely nothing the same since looking out, all reflected as being either stupid and meaningless, hollow, detached or the opposite three dimensional electric ebullience, unmatched new discoveries puzzle pieces, foliage forest trails, hideaways blind to so much and never realizing, knowing this.. you have the most beautiful face i have ever seen mysterious, majestic eyes, lips fascinating beyond belief seems we are opposite, but in wander ways, the same my emote, your remote this heart, now yours, bruised yet emboldened tumultuously tamed don't want it? don't know cannot change it the truth is, has only grown a force, a fire blazed far beyond me all i know is all i see and i see you, feel you so deeply so delicately, profoundly utter, "the other", bathed in brilliance, beautifully your silence treading torturous yet all i know, want "more of this" with a "please" so genuine, raw, and pure i know you can feel it not used to it, me, unsure what to do with, make of it the mark you never intended but it's here now, your art tattooed, branded, invisible ink some things, like stars just are, no need overthink beyond sex, beyond skin beyond time, beyond end you, the most incredible, indelible my sky all i do is search for words but they all come back to beautiful that's why i can't and don't look away or stray like an intricate novel not a one act play there are two here, yes as in, this involves the within of taken, and so into you, me you have changed me altered me surrounded, entranced the tallest trees as i gaze up, awestruck you, the tallest one in my universe now you are all i see unwaveringly. acceptance of truth the center, now placed i never came, come harm you dismantle, disarm you all i wish, all i hope this heart, your allowance yes, it's yours and i feel, sweet somewhere, you know it so just let it be and breathe covet, love it and without words claim and own it. not dirty, not unworthy not like anyone or anything come before you the most beautiful man i never knew i would know there it goes, back to beautiful the last word on my lips spoke with depth drowning assurance that i can ever be, in complete, hold of confidence you all i hope one day to be in the presence, passion of again that's all that matters to me now... a man, because i can say that without reservation, fear or any ounce, trace of doubt you. the love pour i shine, bleed contusions a condition still, i get up again stand and give out, heart swells, the admission more of this unending, soul sending beautiful you adore. with your unplanned, unasked yet all seeing eyed, silent knowing permission. bowen hart roselli 17 september 2020 ringwald love
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