when your well has run completely dry and you find yourself licking the last drops of water off the roughshod sides sinking further settling into the reality this is just you, this is just your life... when everyone else is "getting lucky", getting laid as you sit thinking of others who aren't thinking of you brutal realities bring you to levels of a devastate a.k.a. "plain hard fact, even harsher, heart truth" or stop for no one who's not stopping for you I've a tendency to be broken by others, "fair game" to be cut deep inside, just slap me so labeled, "a sickness, sensitivity" easily scarred, even easier, slain I'd kill for someone to see, love me deep to deeper, as i do them but it's here we arrive at my own doing, downfall, my "lost in love" sin i get swept away in the magic, mesmerize of a rare "another" the kind you'd call unlike any other lose myself, thoroughly mean well, but I'm just the love, without the lover because I'm lead by, follow my heart to the heights of heaven, depths of hell that's what you do when you really care unlike all the frauds, who fake the words have no concept, the real gift of love's swell a sweet devotion divine, i've lived enough without to know and cherish, treasure it well but misunderstood, like an alien, a fool unable to play by the self protective playbook, the rules perfected, since preschool or really, it seems, from the start this valentine, written in the sky, prayers of "please be mine" tragedy-lovelorn work of art never worked out, the gods, too busy you can pray all ya want but once the soda, popped one can't stop the bubbles from fizzing and what happens after that they just fade, fall flat yeah i know, have had enough of that this, my life, not where "the happening's at" it's at someone else's party, on someone else's prick it's inside, someone else's wet pussy off someone else's lips, tongues, for the tasting ripe for deep kissing, taste, lick someone else hearing the words of love, romance, adoration someone else getting the gift of "sweet fuck, yes" soul sensual sensations i want a new life, manifest a new me this one sucks, I've seen, been, the bottom of the well it's time to scratch and claw my way free 'cuz trust me, it ain't worth it, the endless stories of heartbreak to tell would just like one chance for a little heaven before i go exhausted, inner rage that somehow I'm the kid in "skid", before row the kind in the heart, yeah i know, it's my fault but you gotta own up to your shit before you can finally change it put it to rest, as in a "fuck you" stop, halt change is lonely cuz it's all inside you as in me, cuz all i truly wanted was for another to fall for me too they couldn't, wouldn't, didn't so it's really "fuck me" lastly, fist me first, hope i wet their whistle just a bit, possibly even quenched their thirst and for this shitty karma called me, my heart my way of being, perceiving let me find my way out, a new start please, the fuck out of god let me learn, let me change so what, if yeah, one could say i'm a bit delicately, divinely deranged. let me start over, wiser something, but nothing, left, the old me, to prove call this fucked up life, if not this fucked up mind, a slate wiped clean and even more than that absolutely and thoroughly, finally, for the love of, and in the name of truth to live, a changed man, in the incredible, indelible etch inside so inspired, so alive, in the reflection that is the inspiration known in me, as you. the one who called me to something higher something beyond all this garbage inside that blocks out the sun and sullies the innocence i found in the confusing, yet life altering, presence of you, my admired. bowen hart roselli 29 november 2020 ringwald love
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