....to see such beauty, to feel such love... does it matter, make a difference? i have no idea, but at least i know myself enough.... to feel and breathe, gush, bleed like heaven amounts of things most don't seem much concerned with at least not in realms beyond the frustrating "norms" of "my little world only" how we fall in line and conform to perfect little minions by millions pat backs, like champs of the hearts, we so steal them little trophies, collected, in mind we are capable of magic but we destroy it so casually so carelessly, to find we, ourselves, alone, deep inside comforted by all the lies of love we abide the ones that say it doesn't really matter, what we did just "live in the moment" deluding true self, as we move on ever faster, who to kid and con with our games the ones about deflection, avoidance and blame "it's you, not me and me not you" unable to conquer the cruelty, untamed the kind that permeates every sector, every floor every hallway of our "human" rarely accessed, we, such self aggrandizing, self promoting peddling whores of "hollywood talk", the infinite stalk like little creepers, crawling pretending to walk taller, prouder than really, we are its the maul of the heart and the murder of stars for profit, for power for the draining, depletion of meaningful hours time spent communing with voice attached to soul what good are we now if not entrenched in our roles distant, detached. what came first, the key or the latch? the plan or the hatch? the dick or the snatch? the caught or the catch? you tell me man of lies and woman of disguise behind easy lyrics, as epitaphs we hide share to the world, the one, most, truly not listening as we diminish, in daily each other, our importance, our glistening value and treasure replacing connections like coats, jackets, all weather "take one off, put one on".. land of little lasting, if at all, very long... what's another body before us, so trampled what's another heart for the easy play, sampled.. eaten and swallowed, with barely a mind present just maybe my hell, or yours for some, heaven... the slaughter, the succulent murder of stars still, your face unforgettable work of art, left in shards... my mind, my memories of you, held and cradled as some kind of magic that befell me once, labeled as heaven on earth by "someone like me" now the murder of stars by you i can't believe. you did, but you did. and "the why" is that which now haunts me, perceived.. as in part, your pathology man of "universe", astrology man of so many, bleeding, beautiful things left in me to sort through walk amongst the aftermath the loss of you, the drowning sadness that brings like the murder of stars you committed for a reason and i hope one day you realize the hurt and the haunt yes, it stings. in a way never expected because it came from you those eyes, how they shined of something truly remarkable moving, not murderous, beyond belief. bowen hart roselli 22 october 2020 ringwald love
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