never knew you were supposed to hide your heart play a part fake your art steal your cart put me above you lies before truth words before soul take before toll as in, the toll it takes on you living a life trying to give equals screwed by the majority, fuck "moral" like the choir in the choral assembly assembled for the sake of the gain so sobs the angels, left like road kill in pain from simply trying to be something more human than what they see all around us, the "vacant with glee" just deny what is happening, the destruction of intimacy, bleed no time for a phone call, no time for real care no time for anything that doesn't involve technology and "media, social", if not an easy ego boost illusion then what does it mean, when you don't exist then, "who cares?" that would be few as in fewer, far between good luck if you are on your own none of that easy swallowed shit like a partner or a family all the things that make the masses, oh so happy, fists full of "sappy" shovel it down, as in shove it on through "success!" is the "see me" and mine, so posed and perfect thus proved "all is good and yes, i've made it!" no one knows the secrets, outdated things like "the struggle" or the pain, underneath make sure there are no stains on those sheets that you use to cover all your shit, all your bull brain cells, devoid it's all "sound bites" in skulls i never knew it was all a game and so me, yes "the loser" i have no one but myself to blame if everyone's doing it i should've been screwing it but my thing doesn't work that way has nothing to do with prison cells "straight or gay" has more to do with the invisible, inside an identity, a soul attached to a heart i could not figure out how to hide and so i sank instead of swim watched prospects of progress through my hands, run thin... cuz this world, gotta be playing games, always all the boys i like prefer psycho bitches parading down their hallways so then me, "just too easy" "too nice, too there", gentle winds, blow my "breezy" so i bent my backwards to "sleazy" and found a devouring darkness that would make many real queasy so "fuck it", i tried had to leave that behind turns out, just never good enough to be the one to light the heaven inside another's loving, adoring eyes "ok, I'll accept it", cuz what else can you do chalk up my life to a waste of dreams and energy, misguided truth amongst the madness, the sadness of all the things i thought, felt that mattered, turns out i was wrong. it was all the things i never wanted to believe, therefore never learned, until too late, "the awake" days of despair, lonely, long now my undoing, but "death by a thousand cuts" at least, in the end makes you strong. and i know, when i walk alone in silence, no more words past all the lovers, entwined arm in arm in motion, my emotions and thoughts, "somewhere else" that somewhere, not here is exactly the place I've always known, i belong (and as such, no surprise my lack of success, just an utter failure at love, plus everything here) bowen hart roselli 26 december 2020 ringwald love
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