wired wrong, gotta be strong most don't care, beyond the surface, aware.... "put you first", here, it is rare land of show and tell, not share as in mutual, energy exchange narcissistic, now normalized and "sensitive sanity", deranged it's excuse and blame and game after game invited all, the party but nobody came... because it was, the kind, based in soul as in honest conversation, no costumes, no roles too late, the "wake up" like the model, photographed without any make-up funny, our vision and blindness, the same a "child of the wild", that could never be tamed... to realize, to learn how success is obtained "mask on, sealed tight" with a smile, ever ready everything here, a stage, for the fright... the one called the fight, oh, they love competition better, if beautiful you are, by definition... "camera ready", just hold it real steady take it, fake it angled and mangled the meaningful magic, keys to kingdoms, so dangled... cuz you're no one, 'til someone decides that you are then suddenly look!, you're a god damn star! made of paper or tinsel or plastic, who cares just as long as the machine grinds you whole, gets you there where, exactly? well, "the right side", tracks, lasting as long as they say you worthy and bankable 'til the sheen of your shine, it starts to wear off, and your light dims, burns dull "can't have that" but you did, once have me every star in the sky, it was you, i did see until you gave, as in gave up, on me taught me, real heartbreak is the fall of you, in your "finished with" me took me awhile, to grasp, yes, it happened my slow walk to death row in your eyes, heart, so fastened on to the next, buckled up, belt, your seat some sorrows, they linger past the end credits, complete finished films, final chapters "applause, applause" you smile pleased, from the rafters of the theatre in the mind, silent words they speak, yes, in volumes answer, my final worth... to you, to her, to him, just a whim of your will, in the moment a cheap rental, never worth real investment, called "own it" the truth, the bond, the believe, the deceive and we wonder why "never mind" is so easy to stockpile, and even easier, achieve survival of the fittest! at any, all cost just don't forget the "i love you", without effort, action, tossed off... it helps alleviate the pain, that is, if you feel it careful, next time, it could be you, someone steals it your "vulnerable", your "wonderful", that thing called a mind, inside that muscle, meat in your skull just like that cup, you know, "half empty, half full"... the shove out the door "felt it", more push, less the pull... still, in the silence dead of night, i remember all the hard work, not really it took for you, to dismember the beautiful that became, once, us just a little thing, called love, called trust guess it's more easy to find, than i thought some wisdom, through wounds it must be learned, it cannot be taught so go forth, good man, soldier and try not to cry, once exhaustion hits, older you are and you feel in a lifelong quest to retain a heart beat and heal just maybe, one day he'll come back and he'll stay but never, now, will you be, quite the same as you walk forward without him he's here to stay, deep within you loved...remarkably beyond you...your pride, your doubt.. with him, your soul, lost and found.. either way. bowen hart roselli 14 november 2020 ringwald love
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