"i legit hate these fucking phones" he said, and i thought, "ya know, he's right.." may he reawaken the return to a flip phone revolution. that's just how i see him, capable of affecting, inspiring change, he does it, in me, so he, quite capable, but I'm not enough, or the one, to get him to believe, understand, see.. he is magical, but he rejects it, an inner aversion to the light, the heart, that is me... now back to the illumination, "the taught" in his teach keep shit simple. we gotta reach back to go forward or, for me, death to the connection keeper, my personal hell, it's mine and may now, be the time i let go, "it's all good and fine" realize the limited spectrum of my reality, its impossible to know the real reality of others unless they let you in, effort and the want for action it doesn't exist in email or texts, like bites, without bullets that enter, the center, to explode and illuminate, fill the center with light that can only be found within the connect, human voice it's a choice in a world this distracted this consumed with so much available and passing by, before our eyes and minds there is too much to process and too little time too many words on screens, flying by too many "dings and pings" "who, what now's", flying blind for me, my fault, my flaw, i admit and to use his lingo, his word, "legit", this is it i live in a space, wide open, little trace of anyone i actually see, on the regular, face to face no family, a few friends but either they don't leave the house, like me, or they're forever straddled, lives frazzled, by the weight of too many god damn kids or they have fuller lives whoever they're fucking, or fallen for family members, more friends than me, clamoring, knocking on their front door so as all i have to do is go to work, come home and be consumed, sit, write, dream i get easily confused by my life, "abnormal" and i reach out too much, try too hard, to keep connections alive, that others don't have the energy, the space, the same want, or the time and so shit dries up slowly, like the cum stain from a hand job hidden on the prom queen's dress, oh so formal fuck email, fuck texts fuck trying to hang on, worry in this wasteland, world if someone special will remember me I'll cross their mind and they'll wanna stick around, reach out with a depth of meaning, heart like the best friends we made, once "back in the day" before technology took over and devoured "the love" in "the lay" bare ones' heart, with a little more soul seems now all we are are avatars and self delusional roles of who we want society to see filtered to, ridiculous and "wrong" as the days only get shorter, with all the stimuli scattered, focus shattered, there is little defined here, as lasting, anything, long so please forgive me for trying as in all the ways of technology, "too hard" "too much", "too many", texts, emails, length and volume scope of emotion, my cards laid on the table but not picked up, with regard to the want, you wanted it, from me you, stretched and pulled a hundred thousand directions the face of my heaven, but I'm not yours the same, in reflection no guilt, no blame no "your faults", no shame i see, feel you in my heart, someone sacred but i cannot make you see me for you, in the same so, death to the chaser i never set out, thought I'd be and all my own energy flooded at you, so easy to pour out thanks to the ease, the devil we know, stroke, masturbate, to madness, misunderstandings of meaning, "thanks technology" i meant all, in good but that's no reason, no continued excuse to not see, the "too much" here, in me i just want things to be what you want, desire, flow forth and back, naturally see? god, i miss the days of flip phones, simplicity, when if someone truly wanted you, you'd know because, your phone would just magically... ring. bowen hart roselli 26 september 2020 ringwald love
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