nothing good nothing bad flat line friendships no passion, depth of any kind to be found or had they exist because they can, and do like the grass is green and the sky is blue no deep thought needed merely an ultra-occasional scan of the "phone brain" repeated.. every rare so often a "hey friend, how's it goin'?" text, supposed to make you feel like the winds of a windfall, lottery win, towards you are blowin' little soul value placed little to nothing beyond the surface, scratched, traced back to nothing but maybe bored outta mind cuz "outta sight" your supposed to feel take the tossed off sentiment as the modern age definition of "real" cuz any crumb of any thought better, now, no thought at all? true, one could say attention span of dysentery this day, this play of "keep all connected", but really, mostly, out to sea, at bay conditioned to accept the bullshit as a bouquet of flowers, chant "i like it this way".. land of "lay down and take it" and better if you can smile while you fake it the orgasm or the "gee, that didn't hurt" the moan without groan to show appreciation, the worth of sentiments tossed like convenience store glossed lips without the "sizzling quencher" lives lived, "voids filled", devoid of the divine, in the pursuit, the adventure of human relations and soul exchange, heart elations flat line friendships no real effort or work just "happy to have the occasional body around" so the reality of how alone we really are, doesn't cause a convulsion, then, in isolation we drown so better to drown in the shallow than the deep flat line friendships, the preferred crop to keep watered with droplets of aqua, so few dehydration is dandy! now like a soaker-head, fused to the hose, up the nose without the mouth, no human voice given out cuz flat line friendships a phone call, please, not what they're all about that's like asking to move in and marry so dead, so "yesterday", so much work, so then strenuous, very! easy nothing is easy go along for the ride or be left behind, so flat line friendships they, "the now", soul nutrition be happy!, not heartfelt you've been given a morsel so quit your starved bitchin' cuz you can get used to 'em to the point you feel full like convincing yourself watching "gma!" isn't garbage bullshit, soul dead, dreary and dull flat line friendships no high, no low no challenge, no show of anything, called everything that makes one truly cherished truly valued, treasured gift deep friendships, they've been set adrift.. to wither on the vine of who's got the time? who's got the care? if it's not all about me, i can't feel it, so there! keep telling yourself It's "all natural now", "it's fine" god knows the sound of a phone ring these days that "ding-a-ling", "damn them!" sends chills up the spine what happened to the heart of real love? in it's "true friend 'til the end" form well, it seems, it's flat lined _______________. bowen hart roselli 8 september 2020 ringwald love
1 Comment
8/28/2021 08:10:21 am
There are so many quotes from so many brilliant people. If you ask me, having one favorite is just impossible. However, if I have to share one quote, then it would probably the one that Abraham Lincoln coined. In one of his speeches, Abraham Lincoln told everyone that "it is not the years in your life that matter, but the life in those years". This quote really resonates within me. It is just so powerful and truly made me think about life.
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