why i hate the holidays, not the holidays themselves, as if assigned to remembrance one day only, "the auto-mode hell" "these are the doors, these are the hallways", reminders of things, we should remark, remember, in the allowance of always.... every day is a valentine for the ones' you adore beyond yourself, and not just "the sleepwalked" so obvious, "please kill me" cheap syllables, sentenced, "happy happy", i abhor all you "oh so lucky ones" so blind, in your selfish, little worlds of well paid careers, botoxed bodies, minivans carrying your god forsaken zombie-privileged monster-in-the-making, boys and girls technology tainted aka, "brain dead" you've trained them to froth like your perfect latte' for social media "likes" only alive, on the camera, for without, it's a "not" day as in it can't be real if it's not filmed and it can't be felt if not exploited and shared with the "who the fuck are you?", "just glorify me", everyone else everyday is valentines if you carry love in your heart as in, be fucking human to those around you, "social climbers", its a dying art one that demands you realize you are not, a god damned star just because you think so welcome to the age of spoiled rotten entitlement scars that's all they are vestibules pussing, nothing but ego opinion wars and blinders on if not "social media influenced", then the rest, what do we know nothing, of course if not followed by so many so many, just as drained as you of humility, intimacy like a body-blind screw fuck it, plow it, pummel it, to boneless if we're gonna live as narcissists at least we gotta own this that the camera, turned on self is now the god, we worship, define, inner wealth and nothing is, if its not being filmed, the latest meaningless fuck, the latest laugh-tracked kill "applause, applause", with an easy-baked affirmation screw complexity and nuance, real thought, it brings that "my head hurts" sensation and that's not "hot" and that's not pretty and it wont get you loved by the "no one", called many so just keep on, delusion, self importance this is why i hate the holidays, i thought, the heart of human, it could be more than this... told. when to care, called pretend, all around when to acknowledge others, but not really, clock rewound back to, "ahead", faster, faster we, the consumed, walking dead onto the next, before even living in, what's called this moment, now bled... everything, for the excuse, such abuse and everything more for the "offended", "poor me, affected, and victim" juiced, blended so after the reminder, set to "now lets all think and lets all pray" lets get back to the truth, disembodied, disemboweled ways the one who is "loved" is the one who plays as the one, most the liar, is the one who is praised not that i would know, on "left over cock", i was raised just a "latch key kid" better done, as in "did" but i learned to survive, in the dream, "one day thrive" and it may have never happened but to give love, i tried non "holidayed", futility fought the beginning, i learned, is always the end but know this, please from the ever tortured by hope, ripped away, tease i knew christmas, once he came and it was down on a pair of well equipped, bruise born knees and his name wasn't santa and his name, not "saint nick" just some asshole, in "creepy cute" with a throbbing gift, not a heart but a prick i learned to pull up my pants, block it out and just get on with it. life, as i knew it not a holiday, "hallmarked" but a quest to love passionately, in a world called few, if any, really give a shit. (i found them) thank god. or I would not be alive my tribe, my angels, the "up fucked" beautifuls and I found this, for a visionary friend, real joy, not a holiday, but the light, electric filled, his alive, excited, hopeful childlike eyes (I did feel them) and I knew, for a moment, that I'm still alive. bowen hart roselli 7 november 2019 ringwald love
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