apocalypse, present, upon us virus spreading, deepening the "dead-in-head thing" amongst the never were, really very much alive but now they're shitting what little was left of them decimated toilet paper aisles, a symbolic reflection of their insides heroic health care workers fighting the only fight that matters right now all those god damned "super hero" movies, guess what, that shit it can't save us now and what exactly is the only thing aside from the goddess kitten, that I care of, or am thinking. stupid thoughts, sideways of smitten? I'm thinking about the one thing, person I am now, within, without some astounding guy who rapturous rebellion makes me question everything I thought a gave two fucks about they say love finds you when you least expect it nothing could have told me when I got in his car the whispers were there, although quite soon, I detected something in his silently unfathomable eyes sadness, depth, light and hope glowing frame brought together, we on some path, we found, nothing but a mouse chase game both seeking escape, we found more of the same or when the right hand doesn't know who the left hand, is trying to kill "now go here, and now go there" nothing was real, except this man, made of feel his face, the kind, that art had made different angles, different facets profile, film star, golden age front view, fascinate corner angle, broken babe seeping with empathic, introspective delicate rage a rattler, railer against society it's demand to force a "credit card cage" work and work and do it some more all to climb imaginary ladders, no afford ability "it's killing me", he, or, I, or we, who said it entwined in the experience destined to be a "too bizarre to ever quite forget it" remembrance filled with disgust and the slow drip, divine the majority, divine, came from him, those electric, patriotic, "pop" proud eyes filled with so much more than he'd ever let on part "red cross heart", part well skilled con artist in the art of playing the part but only to the point once his x ray eyes had sized up every person and exit sign in the joint so many facets and furies, deep inside i slowly realized there was no "run", me, or hide I could never be bored he, the impossible to be, or allow state, "ignored" as on and on and on he'd bestow upon me all that he felt, thought, knows this, my friends, is how love grows something I'm not sure even his wise/blind knows wise in too many ways, to count yet blind, to the affect, his magnetic "man mount" as in, 1+1, minus two, leaves zero self destructive, his ability to calculate, castigate inner hero's of heart, for sacrifice, on the alter, "mathematical" contradicting all, inherent, his "magical" it must be perfect as his perceptions, plans, laid out or it's nothing at all once the seeds bloom, sprout doubt and so we drove, til we ended up confined, ultimately trapped together, in the final act, both losing our minds locked behind doors as a plague began to spread, musing on life, the wonder of death strained by whores, "boss bitches", ate "stupid" for breakfast, and pussy and ass, all we could smell, in the air, on their breath but amongst all the shit and the strain of the stain I found in him, love more of care, give, less pain more of me, sighs, "please don't ever leave" not of "need", but the "feel right" receive as in, my god, I just can't get enough, be around him, look and listen and dream and desire as if I could finally see, a real stairwell, "climb higher" but then, I'm struck this all, may be, just in me I can't help the fact my external shell betrays the truth, what it means, "what it seems" but then it doesn't, then again, it does powerless to change it, he will see and do, what he wants a fire of simmer and sensual and sweet somehow, enveloped by him, I feel strangely alive, real, complete but two halves must know, when the others' found "home" or else its, fuck you, and fuck me self defined "trainwrecks" are well known, crush the "we" as in collide and kill, anything remotely too unplanned, or, of the inner fears, "too close", real irony everywhere, fate, meet your mirror from a man who loves external chaos the tragedy of this, couldn't be any clearer could it turn to triumph? maybe so, maybe not but "it's easier to ask for forgiveness, than permission" so then, he'll have to forgive me, it wasn't me, he was searching but it is me, yes. this "love him". immeasurably. unexpectedly. of the "can't explain, can't escape, can't erase," vain, variety not a garden I've ever seen grow quite like this but he already knows because, this man, has the eyes of a surgical physician able to pinpoint and prod with exquisite smile, and precision paradoxically filled with ever questioning indecision until inner swells of anxious, impatience, cause derision then he bolts, in fits and jolts of energy, energized world, watch out there is more to this man than most could ever see, his "about" and so I came, beheld and fell, slowly, unknowingly, under his spell call me friend, or brother or cell mate, the same but for this unfathomable emotion, like a lover, would die I will not be ashamed, there is no bleed, here, no blame for all the secrets and answers, reasons why, look his eyes. (ever changing, mercurial, soaked in soul, saw, first sight, before any words ever needed to be spoken, light bright ) bowen hart roselli 27 march 2020 ringwald love
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